More than 35 Belgian pork suppliers deliver high-quality cut pork quickly and tailor-made with a high service level.
In 2022, Belgium produced 1,032,197 tonnes of pork, or 1% of global production.
Belgium is the fifth net exporter of pork in the EU. 92% is exported within the EU and 8% goes to 3rd countries.
Slaughtering and cutting, an art in itself

Belgian suppliers stay on the ball. After all, meeting the customer’s needs is what it’s all about. It is the basis of their success and also the reason for the varied range of products the Belgians offer.
The Belgian Landrace is known for its high return. It combines a high percentage of lean meat with a high carcass weight. Belgian farmers supply a mean pig with a meat percentage of +60% and a slaughter weight of +98 kg. In other words: efficient cutting of the Belgian Landrace guarantees more meat per animal.
Slaughterers and cutters strive for maximum added value for their customers. That is why they have a very flexible approach to finishing, cutting and packaging. They adapt to meet the customer’s requirements. The great strength of Belgian companies is that they offer customised products. And often that is what distinguishes the Belgians from their competition. The possibilities are almost endless. The diversity of companies and the competition between them results in a high degree of professionalism whilst preserving the individual character of each company.